- Official support thread

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Yes upload is very very bad and stats? pf... stats ... this is a joke:) 980 dwd and 1.8$ pf :) if admin don't solve or recalculate the affiliate program all uploaders go on another hosts:)
hello guys, you say you can use this Filehosting? I'm tired of taking disappointments today cyberloker to closed and I lost a lot of money, you advise me to Ural filevice?

All Web Money payment requests have been processed and paid . Money Brooker's payments is being processed . Web Money is filevice preferred payment method . For any payment inquiries , please send us support ticket . Thanks

Added after 4 minutes:


@Filevice :
I'm waiting your reply thanks
The download count is operational and functioning for all users . your download count can be related to the country where the downloads generated from . please refer to our site TOS for more information .
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Important Notice
Dear Users ,

We are experiencing issues with Money Booker's site . We currently don't support payment to Money Brookers account , until such time this issue is resolved .
We do suggest to all our members to proceed with editing their payment requests and switch over to Web Money .
We understand the inconvenience caused and are working hard to make this the best cloud storage service for you. Thank you for your support.
cant use webmoney in USA

web money is not allowed in the USA so we cant use it .
please get something else.
guess I just lost out what I had now.
another one !! that took us


The services and products described on and and offered by WM Transfer Ltd. are not being offered within the United States and not being offered to U.S residents or citizens, as defined under applicable law. WM Transfer ltd. and its products and services offered on the site, are NOT registered or regulated by any U.S. including FINRA, SEC, FSC, NFA, FinCEN, CFTC or ASIC.
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We have just added Okpay as a new payout method. The full announcement is at:
Okpay is support all over the world and has very low fees and an excellent track record.
We are working hard to add new payment options in the next few weeks and will post announcements on our website (under My Account > News) and also on this forum thread.

Added after 6 minutes:

Paypal have been very aggressive in the past in closing the accounts of any users sending or receiving money connecting to file hosting websites. We make a very strong effort to keep clean and it is against our TOS to upload copyrighted material and we also respond to all DCMA requests within 24hrs. But Paypal unfortunately wouldn't be a long-term option.
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