- Official support thread

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Not all of the system after downloading reports.

Not good report!



The files are larger than 1 MB

Please improve!
Thank you!
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very! very! Not good report!


242/0.7409 $ very! very!bad 1000- 1$
83/ 0.259 $ very! very! bad 1000- 1$
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comadreja78 hello to me something similar happens.
I think we are stealing money and increases work very poorly as crosswords

I have left this shit filehost scammers
i think filevice is scam they havent fixed the remote upload for like 5 or 6 months i remember saying to him like 5 months ago to add anover server so we can use the remote upload and he said anover server be added that was like 5 months ago time too close thread i think
There was a temporary issue on our server fs2. We have resolved the issue. Kindly try to upload now.

Thanks for informing us.

Kindly visit on the link below and check our payout structure category wise in A, B, C and D. Send us an email at if you have any issue.

Look at this... I only upload archives of +201 & +451 Mb and posted only in webs from spain... curious count of downloads in last two days...


Kindly visit on the link below and check our payout structure category wise in A, B, C and D. Send us an email at if you have any issue.
Upload is working. If you are using any third party site or their tools then contact their support. You can test and verify our upload feature by directly uploading a file from our site.
Hi Filevice,

The dl counts included the incompleted dls also? I uploaded 250MB files and my visitors from class C & D actually. My earning has dropped and i believe always count as class D or even lower now. Look at the 9-March, 900+ dls but less than $1.80 ($2 per 1k dls for class D). Kindly advice thanks

Added after 5 minutes:

besides, it is impossible to upload on weekend. :(
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