- Official support thread

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Forcing the visitor to register to download more than 500 MB, but you lose Visitors
If possible change 500 MB to 800 MB !!
That will be considered . Thanks for pointing this one out

Added after 12 minutes:

free download speed is around 90 kbs i think is low, 150 kbs would be acceptable
We did upgrade the download speed for the following :

A - Registered users 200 KB/S
B - Non-registered users 150 KB/S

Hope this will help our users . Thanks
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Pls add ftp upload and paypal, I'm having problem with remote upload from Rapidshare, always get html files.

So everytime an old user renew his premium via my download link, i'll receive the sale?
seguo l'host dal giorno di nascita, lo provai ma l'italia era nel gruppo D anche se nella tabella era nel gruppo B, ora dopo che sei tornato sul forum, spero che il problema come mi hai detto per mail sia risolto, oggi ricomincio ad usarti, spero vada tutto bene :)
Dear Filevice User ,

A reminder to comply with our TOS with regard to file uploading . Porn and DMCA material are not allowed at . Thank you for your cooperation
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