- Official support thread

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I got a question people who don't have cable connections cant upload that quick like some people do you have any fault of maybe add ftp ???

We've asked them for FTP support since they first started. They aren't interested in making things good for members. Only supplying very limited access and next to nothing earnings.

We do not entertain any support question on this forum. Kindly send us your query at

Then why do you have a thread here in the "File Hosts Official Support" section?

This isn't the "Advertise Your File Host" section, it is the "File Hosts Official Support" section. A section where you provide support.
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well said stooky I was just thinking that does he want us to pm admin and tell him his not giving no support and get the thread close its your call filevice
From the last few days, downloaders are reporting a problem. They are getting an error of "Expired Session" after entering the captcha. FileVice, could you please look into this matter ?
What do U mean By Get Back To You Soon.
This is Your Official Support Thread and U have to be available Everyday Here even for 10 Minutes.
As U have clearly mentioned in above Thread that Any Support Will b Not available Here.
What do u mean by that Too?
Do U want to close This Thread. PM Adm And close it so No one will ask Support here.
Yes, an admin should look into this thread and close it since filevice mentioned in its own "support" thread that no support is available. :facepalm:

Thats really ridiculous!
I've also noticed something about their system setup. They offer 500 GB of file storage for non-premium members yet as soon as you hit the 100 GB mark, files start randomly getting deleted. Lame!

This host has been too much of a headache, with files getting deleted constantly, can't upload new content cause I'm always reuploading deleted content, can't earn a penny compared to what you have to pay for a premium, site constantly has uploading issues, totally useless.

Time to find a new host. See ya!

Will we ever see another good file host? I doubt it!
Hey Stooky,

We do not delete any file unless it breaches our TOS. Or, we get a DCMA request from the owner of that file. Hope that Helps.

Happy Easter to all of you on behalf of Filevice Team!!!
If you really compares about your Uploaders, why you haven't a penny cheaper Premium with own earnings?

You changed it back to $ 12,99 thats a joke. You don't do anything for your Uploaders.

Dear Users ,

Payments are done on Tuesday and Wednesday as what we been doing for over 3 months . We support Web-money , PAYZA , OKPAY .

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