- Upload, Share, Earn!

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According to your description, you count the downloads of premium users.
However, I still have a question.
If a premium user download 2 different files within 1 hour, will you count each of them?
not only count the download of premium users, but also those of registered and guest.
you make money with downloads that are made ​​to your files.

Added after 8 minutes:

WDF good for you. Everyone is free to do whatever he wants.
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I see, I was kind of wondering since you didn't reply to the one that posted that info before. I'll be watching this thread and after a month we'd like to see some of the people that registered and earned for their proofs.
The 26/02/2012, the site will be under maintenance for a great upgrade.
Will be added / fixed:
referral system
$25/1000 (soon $ 40/1000)
solved problems uploading
remote upload
added alertpay and moneybookers
solved problems of the points
other features
still not working remote upload from ftp link . i get this error every time
Upload error:

2 it was not specified a valid hostname
Please,try again.

can you fix it Fileupped?
points are credited by following these three rules:
1 - download must be completed
2 - the IP of the downloader must be different from the one that hosted the file.
3 - if a person multiple times download the same file, the points are added only the first time.

That's why I only posted 1 file.It's been downloaded 44 times according to the total on the show files page.On the overview page it says I have 19 total downloads.But no points.
No matter which number you go by there should be points.

I was willing to give you a chance like I do with any new place & you blew it.
No one will make money from them because they don't give you your points.
Stuff like this is why I test places with one file before I even consider doing more.
What,do you think I sat there downloading my own file over & over? Plus since you have a decent download speed,there is no reason half the downloaders would stop part way through.

I'm fairly new to WJ & have only made 38 comments but if you check those comments I've never ripped a brand new host in any of them.Like I am about to do now.

You're full of crap.You are dishonest & just trying to take advantage of people.You're worse than most of the other ripoff artists that come through here.At least they try to make everything seem legit for a month or two.Your not even smart enough to do that.
I'm pretty sure everyone around here is tired of people like you.You need to fold up shop & go away.

If a mod or someone thinks I crossed a line here I'm sorry.But it needed to be said.
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