Launches! - Earn $30.00/1,000 Downloads or 50% On Premium Sales!

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i think new filehosts no need to ask abt rebills because they ran off with in a month
lets see
welcome bro
Thanks for the welcome. :)

We have no intention of disappearing. We have spent an enormous amount of time researching the business and have funds reserved for this project.

Your earning system good, I'll give this a try and see up/down speed. Hope you won't destroy your PPD plan just like other hosts. You've got to know there are many potential uploader looking for a good PPD program. Thanks.
Alex, thank you.
Please let me know if you need anything from us to assist you.
Thanks for put spain in group A , i said increase unregistered users limit to download a file, of 200 MB TO 500 MB ¿understand?.Goodbye and good luck with your filehost.
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nihbez, we may revise that however not yet. I can assure all members here that every suggestion/criticism is logged and reviewed.

We will listen to you guys. :)
I agree with nihbez, you should increase Max Download File Size for free members (guests, without registration) to 500MB.
Lets say random guy, have to register to download 458MB file, how much $ will you earn? I think something close to 0$. But he is already annoyed, that he needed to register to download just 458MB.
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