Filestrum is having difficulties and not recommended

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this is the owner of this new shitt


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Do you guys count multiple IP?

It would be great if you put 100mb-250mb plan instead of 50-250. as for now, other host still had better pay out rate with those type of plan.

Also could you add Malaysia and philippines to group C?

If you had that type of plan, I believe you'd get more people to work with the host.

We may alter the plans at a later date. I will see how Malaysian and Philippines traffic goes before adding them to group C, hope you understand.

Regards Filestrum

Why are some images hosted on ? has images hosted there too.

We had a Programmer work for us who had worked on other file hosting sites, I will rectify that asap though.

i want to try it .

INDONESIA in group C ?

Again we'll have to see how the traffic goes before moving it into group c for now.

please add india to group C?
Do you count multiple downloads of different files from same ip?
Also do you have referral program in PPD plan??

We count multiple IP's within 24 hours up to a certain amount.

PPS not work

Pay per sale appears to be working fine. You haven't had a sale so how can you suggest this?
You said you paid in Euros , but in account show dollars in payout . Fix it please and increase max. filesize for unregistered users at least at 400 MB.
the next download waiting second can be short?

and increase free download file size up to 1024MB can?

We have increased free downloads to 500mb, registered can download 1024mb.

You said you paid in Euros , but in account show dollars in payout . Fix it please and increase max. filesize for unregistered users at least at 400 MB.

It's now 500mb. The reports are displaying the wrong symbol, I will get this fixed.

you do not pay much

125 / $0.18 EUR


i go

Your files are 1mb, what exactly did you expect? We have a sustainable business model. We pay out good realistic rates. Would you rather have to keep jumping hosts who promise higher payouts but can't deliver due to the fact they lose money?

i cant see any link to Affiliate plans can u share the link?

We have a partners page, however for up to date plans this thread is your best bet. We're not actively promoting our program on site. So check out our opening post.
At opening post you type this
Registered Users:
Cloud Space: 100GB
Max Download File: 1 GB
Direct Downloads

Premium Users:
Unlimited cloud space
Max Upload file size: 5GB
Direct Downloads
Affiliate Plans

Affiliate plan type under premium member can u see
At opening post you type this
Registered Users:
Cloud Space: 100GB
Max Download File: 1 GB
Direct Downloads

Premium Users:
Unlimited cloud space
Max Upload file size: 5GB
Direct Downloads
Affiliate Plans

Affiliate plan type under premium member can u see

I have amended the post. Affiliate plans are available to registered and premium users

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