Filesonic Mega News - Everybody Must Read Now + 50 Free Premium Give Aways Here!

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The reason why I would choose Filesonic is because it's the only way to move up in this territory. If you need files transferred to you quickly over the internet, then I recommend using Filesonic. Simply click, upload and share across the globe free and easy. No pop ups and the free users downloading are fortunate as well because waiting times are not off the chart like previous file hosts. When you use FileSonic your hooked like phonics and I mean this in a sincere way, so I suggest getting an account before you lose out.
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hish u should really do something to spice this thread up
i really want to win that account
i find so to be one of the best hosting sites around since tonnes of uploaders are switching to u guys
Q : Why do you like FileSonic?

A: 1. I can upload really big files.
2. It has great RU.
3. Very good download/upload speed.

Q: What can we do to improve our services

A: Well, I would really like to see a better support.
Someone to just reply to my message, even if the problem cannot be solved.
A response is a sign of respect and it is always appreciated.

In addition, I would like to see my files as a free user, to live longer and if that is not possible, to at least see the files deleted due inactivity on Delete Files log.

Q: Why did you choose FileSonic?

A:Because it is a big and reliable File Host, with good download speed which others prefer to use downloading files.

Q: Would you refer users to FileSonic?

A: Yes, most definitely I would. Both for downloading and Uploading.
Because Downloading through FileSonic is a pleasant experience.
And Uploading is fast and easy. :)

That's my truthful answers to your questions.

I really do hope to earn a premium account.

But even if I don't, keep up the good job Filesonic. :)

Thank you for your time.

Why do you like FileSonic?

b/c of there FTP and Remote Uploading Services. it's Aswome never duplicate the upload files. (like other don't wanna mentioned name) and for there Pay par sale too. :)

What can we do to improve our services?

Ya i suppose in " Manage files " option there might be option like hotfile (show the uploaded file date by date.) just click on respective date uploaded files will be shown..

as per support is concern i never contact support so don't have any idea.
Why do you like FileSonic?

Because it pays well for premium sales ratio is done elsewhere.

What can we do to improve our services?

I can improve the choice of giving a possibility of a sale and Plan Download Plan

Why did you choose FileSonic?

Filesonic elected because I got to Japan in Group B and that brings many benefits and also with the promotion of better March.
Why do you like FileSonic?
i like the payouts and good customer care i also like the speeds for users
What can we do to improve our services?
add video streaming and raise 400mb download limit to 2gb
Suggestions etc maybe considered and we may take 24 - 48+ hours to reply to each suggestion.
Why did you choose FileSonic?
cause its a new host name(sharing matrix was promising also) and it looks promising and i like the look and feel of the site
Would you refer users to FileSonic?
yes i surely would :) as much as i can
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