FileSonic discussion thread. We want our money!

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Who ever saying that uploaders earn money from illegal contents please stfu and stop trying to be the star here,They earn filesonic/filejungle/fileosnic and other sites all money from those files too...

if the content was so legal the filehosts wouldn't run off scared, you know... I am aware of the fact that there was ~1% legal stuff uploaded on these hosts but everyone knew what the other 99% is, and that there was always the risk of something like that happening, so if you took the risk to be with a filehost that isn't so strict about copyright (cos there are other filehosts that are... but they pay less), you have to face it that this finally happened...

of course, if you are sure your content was absolutely legal, you can file a complaint with them but the majority of people here can't say the same.... hence my joke... :)
i think they might want to give back you guys the money.

But he cant do that because once he transfers the money means he paid uploaders.

and thats proof which could put him in jail.

Hish/Marco already in probation.

Should make no mistake.
call the police or better yet the FBI and complain how you got screwed and didn't receive your affiliate money for uploading illegal stuff, I'm sure they will help :))

All the wise guys just keep popping up whenever something's wrong...:facepalm:

Why don't you stfu and get out of any such conversation, your input is useless and annoying.
So typical...

Filesonic gets screwed, don't even notify anyone, disappears from forums and screws everybody. Scam behavior, no respect to the people that made them what they are.

The same goes for all other panicked rats, Fileserve, Uploadstation, Filejungle. The latest events revealed their true colors.
This is really painful... I can't believe it. :facepalm:

Jesus, what a damn behavior.:facepalm:

And they didn't make anything wrong?

Fuck the T.O.S.!!! We are HUMANS! So, we should be treated as HUMANS!!!

Motherfucking lairs. :'(
Ask Willy....they are very good when closing their affiliate.

Should i open ticket and don't forget choose affiliate in account type :D

ANd why now i can't Remote all my files...hey if you don't pay, i can accept it, but allow me to remove all my files.
To hish and marco :

We understand why you choose to close affiliate program and I think its the right decision before you fall in jail like megaupload owners, but at least pay us our last week earnings and make our files downloadable so we could move our files.
I still have many files on my account not copyrighted , and you never received dmca for them, for why not allow us to move our files to other host ?

Please act a a man with guts like willy did for wupload at least.
this is so funny,some people were dependent on a filehost for their living,seriously get a job,yes i was earning but obviously that little extra not a job,get over it,or keep crying as if he is gonna come with a tissue and put money in your account LOL.
will this thread do any good?why not ddos filesonic site :p
I really don't know why they took such step..specially Filesonic when they team up/ partner with Vobile to scan & delete all the copyrights files.
Yday, Bitshare guy here said in shout box that FSO Paypal is limited..Not sure how true is that but Hish could have said 1-2 words on this fuss.
FSO DP thread has been deleted..No e-mail update..No site msg..Nothing !...Seems like they just ran away with money bag..& In coming future these fie-host gonna get back again with new domain & name to cheat again.

Kriom @ where you get that note from ?...Did he wrote to you ?
this is so funny,some people were dependent on a filehost for their living,seriously get a job,yes i was earning but obviously that little extra not a job,get over it,or keep crying as if he is gonna come with a tissue and put money in your account LOL.
will this thread do any good?why not ddos filesonic site :p

Get a job? Are you moron? A real moron? Fucking stupid moron? A HUGE MORON?


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