try to move file from root but I can't select any folder .. file manager look different
There is a update I think , we have to wait.
Plese fix remote from SlingFile :'(
Download Status is Successful but files have only 31.64 KB
filesonic is cheating day by day. sales and downloads
We always have something in the works and more ideas waiting!
Best regards
i bet that if i switch from pps or fix 50 to ppd now i will get some sales ....
i try now....
prathaprabhu , to be honest .. I actually love this new interface than the last one.
My best guess is you are very much used to old onebut I am sure , with time , you would love this new one too. Of course , there are few things missing but If you are noticing closely they are tweaking and making FM better everyday.
Kudos for the FSC developers , as new FM has actually made my life easier than before and a few more tweaks it would be smooth like anything.
Send us any links causing remote upload errors in an affiliate ticket and we will be sure to check
Best regards,