Well...Filesonic is now the most popular filehost sharing service website. Most of the people use it because of the well-paid system, which has attracted a lot of uploaders to upload stuff via filesonic.
However, at the same time, filesonic has been hacked like crazy especially people with premium accounts. So getting a premium account of filesonic is risky.
The question is if FILESONIC has a way to provide hacked-proof approach for premium users to prevent from being hacked?
Some of the drawbacks of filesonic which previously discourage premium users from continuing using filesonic include:
Slow speed (only 500kbps)
Email with no response
Filesonic accounts get hacked so easily.
Just wonder if Filesonic could fix these issues. Cuz I would like to get a collaboration or premium account just for the sake of downloading. So I don't really care about the upload and get paid.