Why FileSonic does not allow remote upload from Filesonic to Filesonic??
Why FileSonic does not allow remote upload from Filesonic to Filesonic??
it's automatic mate..One quick question: do I have to request payout or is it automatic?
files getting deleted very soon after uploading. pls prevent this
always that 0;02mb file size error when RU to WU
@hish/marco, there is a bug in file manager. after a file is edited, the sorting order is reset. please fix it
remote not work : premium fileserve,filejungle,uploadstation
Hish do you this repair?
Why FileSonic does not allow remote upload from Filesonic to Filesonic??
Remote upload still not fixed,..kindly fix it ..i am not able to upload anything
be careful ur acc might get hacked acc dont share email publicly its for personal safety
jus submit a ticket to filesonic they will reslove it
Free premium accounts for uploaders are still available?