– $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

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2011-12-29 0 / $0 1 / $15 $0 1 / $1.25 $16.25

Thanks, at least it can lift my spirit again, and nice to see patience have sweet fruit as result.

I hope all bugs can be fixed ASAP, I know all Filesonic Staff must working hard during this holidays time, hope everything can be back like usual.

One more question : Regarding Promo, can Filesonic include 01st January 2012 as part of promo date...? I know it's end on Saturday, 31st December 2011, but as we can see 01st January 2012 is on Sunday and that's part of the weekend. Just suggestion...hope Filesonic can consider that :)

This 1st will not be included in the current promo.

One is your Referral Link - if affiliates sign up under it they become your referral and you earn from their earnings (20% for regular affiliates, 5% for Elite).

The second is your Premium Ref Link which you can earn sales commissions from but the affiliates who sign up under it do not become your referral :)

imho it was better to put 1 instead of 2 reflink
I feel for you, I have the same issue. When I brought it to wuploads attention that I thought they had scammed people they said that we can still upload and download so what's the problem and no they won't Their upload and download speeds are pathetic to say the least. I am slowly replacing their links with other hosts, I'm not going to let them get a bit of traffic from me!

I was wondering that same thing!

On to my issue.......
I have no payout from Filesonic either, and since this is now wednesday I was wondering if I could learn why? Is this a common thing to not get a payout regularly? I'm fairly new to this host and would rather not invest in them heavily if there is a lot of issues, I'm already lucky enough to have that problem with fileserve ;) lol.
My user name is the same as here, thanks :)

Do you not answer questions about payments in this thread? Is that why no answer? If so I'm sorry I didn't see that stated in the first page. :(

Second, can I just say I have to commend you on your continued patience and sense of humor in this thread. WOW, after reading through all of these messages I really don't know how you do it :)
Hi guys, i'm here because I have to thank officially and publicly Hish.
My account is hacked and deleted...and my money is puff :-(
Hish help me....he work for me....for 3 days.
Hish restore my account..restore my earning and my file.
Hish is a great man...and filesonic is Great.

This thanks is a little think for Hish and the totality Filesonic's staff .
Hish, please check my ticket, now, i can't login to my acount

I have 3 year work with Sharingmatrix and filesonic
Please check my account. My premium ref is:15705
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Hish once told me that People who open tickets and immediately posts here stating like- "I have opened a ticket - please look into it". He moves their tickets to last in the queue with lower priority !!

Lesson : Do only 1 thing - Either post here or open Helpdesk ticket (recommended).


No, I wasn't post immediately. Ticket was opened yesterday and I post here today. I was not able to work anything 2 days.
Hello Filesonic, please fix server a12, all the files are not working for the past 24 hours, thank you very much

Its not completely dead but it might as well be, I've been trying to download a bunch of files from there and even if one does start it gives me like 100kb\s and then it will loose connection 10 minutes in.

Seems a22 is having that problem aswell.
Domain sales dont count since you updated the site, I have always got them now they stopped.

Site sales should have gone up over Christmas holidays. :))

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