– $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

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fs to fsc has not been working for the past 365 days EACH Year.

Correction, I should say, it was never set up for RU.

Why? duh, who is FS competition? Who is FSC competition?

Two or three weeks ago, i remote uploaded like 3000-4000 files from fileserve to FSC and worked fine.
Another bug i found:

Copied files don't display the upload date right, it says "Uploaded On -0001-Nov-30" for all of them

Please open an affiliate ticket so we can take a look.


It past 2 days and remote upload Fileserve to Filesonic is not working:facepalm:

We'll have someone take a look. They are known to block us on occasion 8-)


is filesonic blocked in some countries?
will somenoe please say that?!

Try using Google's Public DNS and you should be able to access the site :)

Collobrate mean
ppl getting many lifetime sale and many 6 month and 1 year sale
So if they buy collobrate So they renew there premium acc
every month and Only filesonic can earn from it
its clear if you made 1 year sale filesonic give you 80% from sale
and 1 year sale mean they dont need to renew there premium every
month So now ppl will go with collobrate or 1 month pro premium
So filesonic can earn some buck every month free rebill
remote uploading not working from uploadstaion..plz help hish
Username-jeet2728..its giving invalid account login error or premium error..but i have entered the correct username and password of my prem account.
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