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How is this digital fingerprint working anyway?
Countless files getting deleted with even backup files,even changing name and md5 they still get deleted.
If this goes on you are gonna lose a lot of affiliates.
low earnings coz of more files deleted coz of that digiprint thing
renaming , changing md5 never work files still get deleted .
i thought fsc are the most stable host now , but if it keep like this .......
Just put a password on rars, and rename files to smthing random. Nothing passes trough that, and if you see file deleted after that, that means someone fked up things.

I would personally question, if file gets deleted after that, where the hell is privacy, in that matter? If they are allowed to examine my files, which I can use as backup, and not share, wtf then? I can upload my own legit windows copy, just because I don't want to loose it, and they can freely delete it?
Yeah I agree cvrle77
Before my files don't get deleted alot but now
They re getting deleted alot a game I uploaded it for a week I think it's availible and thought It will not get deleted but now bye bye
Nobody will buy a sale or download a file if the files keep getting deleted
I don't care if illegal files are deleted. That is what DF serves for. But I really wouldn't like to point finger on Filesonic, in case my complete personal image collection, which is about 30GB, disappear, and I see DF on it.
1. I would question who authorized them to snoop trough my personal files, which breaks my privacy.
2. Who allowed them to delete my backup, and why I payed premium membership for.
Well, It's a personal piece of mind, even if it sounds harsh.
Btw so far this DIDN'T happened, just things to have in mind, in case similar does happen.

(goes and reads TOS again, maybe I missed that part, where I agreed, that they can do that)

You acknowledge that FileSonic does not have any obligation to monitor the Files or User Content that is uploaded, posted, submitted, linked to or otherwise transmitted using the Site or Services, for any purpose and, as a result, is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, appropriateness, legality or applicability of the Files or anything said, depicted or written by users in their User Posts, including without limitation, any information obtained by using the Site or Services. FileSonic does not endorse anything contained in the Files or Content or any opinion, recommendation or advice expressed therein and you agree to waive, and hereby do waive, any legal or equitable rights or remedies you have or may have against FileSonic with respect thereto.

I believe time is come to change this part of TOS, since you do monitor files or user content, that is uploaded, since Digital Fingerprint, is automatic tool that does exactly that. Monitor, scan, compares, delete.
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