– $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

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LMFAO why would your email get hacked are the passowords on your FSn account and email the same? They cleaned you out INSTEAD of going through the hassle of giving you a heads up with a confiirmation email that changes to your account were being made and not by you. Instead they deleted all your files and took all your money and you were none the wiser BECAUSE THEY DIDNT TRY TO CHANGE ANY ACCOUNT SETTINGS...

no man my email password and FSO password are different
@"filesonic hish",
hi,i have a problem, i have a premium account, i use IDM for download and it is last version, when i start a download( or a queue) my downloads break, and i cant resume theme, when i check my filesonic account i got that i logged out, i log in but every time this problem happens.
please help me.

IDM has a Filesonic help guide:

Outside of that, you can open a ticket on Help Desk.

Filessonic Scam me

they deleted my files and folders and when i contact them for that they say ( maintenance )

also they do like what fileserve do sometimes (automatically renew your account )
they did Trade in many times for my account and because of that i lost 123$

they asked me to open ticket and i did that

and now when i waked up i try to log in my account but guess what !!
instead of filesonic solve my problem they deleted my account !!!!!!!!

so now i lost everything,money,my account, my referrals and my files and folders

Filesonic did not scam you :facepalm:

There is no auto-renewal for trade-in points! This would be the work of a hacker.


@FileSonic Hish, how can i recover my account ?

Have you opened an affiliate ticket? Please get me your ticket #.

@FileSonic Hish,

Could you please check the Ticket #174066. I've been requesting for IP unban since Dec 1st, FileSonic Marco told me that the IP has been put to unban yet still couldn't login until now.


Hi, why is my next payout a negative number? O.o

PD: I have no refund
hi filesonic, please add security lock that prevent hacker delete our files as soon as possible, we don't want to be the next "SMOKING"

We do have a feature which is being worked on for exactly this reason.

But making sure your password is original, unique and secure does about 95% of the work in securing accounts ;)

Banned IP

Hello, I got my IP banned for too many log in attempt.
I just wanna ask how long does this ban takes please?

I am no thief - the acc is really mine.
I've written a ticket #177650, my IP is if you deal with this individualy... I was already logged in on this IP and I downloaded from my acc as premium... guess you could check.
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