if u want earn more with filesonic u must check this website
HOW TO EARN MIN 500 $ in month with FILESONIC
Code:xxxxxxxxxxxx/code][/quote] somebody tested ?
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if u want earn more with filesonic u must check this website
HOW TO EARN MIN 500 $ in month with FILESONIC
Code:xxxxxxxxxxxx/code][/quote] somebody tested ?
TYesterday at night I used the remote upload FIleserve to FIlesonic and was working 100% without any problems..
Today, since 13PM it give me always this error:
Invalid Account Logins
And some times give me this error: MAYBE_BLOCKED_IP
How can I solve this problem? X-(
Yes, but tonight is very slow,
somebody tested ?
somebody tested ?
You do realise its Fileserve that have banned FSC not the other way round right?Filesonic become a big shit !
RU is banned for Filesonic <- Fileserve ????
But from Filesonic to Fileserve, it's working !!!!!!
Are you kidding us ???
I think filesonic allow sometimes and sometimes not...
Everybody is using Filesonic, soo...They use a lot of servers...Cost money...
Why Fileserve allow Filesonic links then ???You do realise its Fileserve that have banned FSC not the other way round right?
Why Fileserve allow Filesonic links then ???
I can not believe it, it's just a joke X-(
download 'starting...' and if it starts the speed is 10Kbps
very slow download speed from filesonic and wupload.
so why it was working yesterday and today it always giving me that error ?!
if filesonic resolve this issue I will buy Premium, but if it continues to give me this error I will stop to use filesonic!!X-(
Now it's working!! It's 1:42 am
Yesterday at the same hour was working good too! I think you block fileserve for a period of time and at night you allow users to do remotem upload!