– $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

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I think now in know why sales dropdown this days-Because of Alertpay
A member on other forum (not here) ask Hish This and this is what he respond:

If this is right (and if i am not wrong) we don't have the sales made VIA AlertPay in The statistics?They will appear after they send u the IPNs?
Let us know when will be fine with AlertPay or is already solved?
Glad to hear everything is Ok now.
Last Payment day i didn't reach Minimum Payout so i don't have any problem :)

Don't you guys worry, Filesonic never let you down.
Thanks FIlesonic you are the best!!!!!!N1111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Filesonic the best Filehosting on the NET!:)
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I'm happy that filesonic send me the remaining money.

But I'm unhappy, because they had to pay it from their own money :(

To all users who received more than they should:

Please refund your payout. The money doesn't belong to you. Be grateful to Filesonic, thanks to them you earned a lot of money and you will earn a lot more. They are the filehost Nr.1 out there, so please don't make them fall down.

Thanks to all honorable users who refund the overpaid payouts <3
Hi Hish
ID: osarayponte
I should get Paid $20 USD, but i got $28.60 , so where can i send back yours 8,60 $ ? or maybe u just cut off that 8,60 $ from my next payout? .
Its easier to just cut them off the next payout or just direcetly subtract it on there current earnings than deal with paypal.....

Anyways I got a question:

Is there a way to add how much bandwidth you've used up? Total or everyday.. Cuz I just entered my info on this website for ru'ing purposes.. I wanna make sure they dont use it for there freeleech services.
Hi Hish, I refunded $ 112,28, incorrectly sent to me to my paypal account.
Sent you email an PM with details.

Waiting for correct payment.


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