– $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

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Yesterday i switched to pps again, no sale today and i am sure i won't get any sale for 6-7 days.

Stay with pps60 its the best plan, even though you don't get sales yesterday it doesn't mean you don't get sales today or coming days.

Wait patiently without falling into ppd or $10pps or half n half plans, can't tell the next sale is a lifetime or yearly.

Five 1 month sale + one 1 year sale in pps60 gives you $60 also six 1 month sale in $10 pps also gives you $60, so think wisely before switching between plans.

Nothing wrong with stats, its normal to see sales on some days and no sale on other days but don't let it change your mind to change from pps60.
Hi Hish
In payment section, filesonic shows my last week $s has been payed. But now i check my webmoney account , i see there is no payment this tuesday from Filesonic until now!

Plz check it,


Hi Oron-steal-Money,

What is your user ID ?



Hi Hish:)
Thank you very much i received my money.
My webmoney account had got problem and when i fixed it , filesonic sent my money.

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Your having 5 sales doesn't mean filesonic doesn't cheat, there are many people who are experiencing this situation and someone had also posted screens about this here.
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I have three sales today but only two appear in the stats page.

The other appears in the dashboard, but not in the stats. I am curious to see the answer to this...
my account has been hacked, he change my password.
please check "Request #101157".
many thx

PLease PM me I will take a look at your issue.


RU from WU is still throwing up file not found.

Any word on a fix for this????

I've asked IT to check it out, will update when I get an answer or fix.

Your having 5 sales doesn't mean filesonic doesn't cheat, there are many people who are experiencing this situation and someone had also posted screens about this here.

We don't cheat, ask any of our affiliates that have been with us for a while.
If you have an issue please PM me and I'll check it out for you. Don't jump to conclusions and call us cheaters ... it doesn't help in any way.



@Sales problem on Dashboard, please check if the sale was counted in yesterdays day ... if you have a sale a midnight server time it will be in stats of previous day but shown on current day.

Please PM me I'll check it out and see.


Yes, Hish is correct filesonic never cheats or change rules/hold/delay payments etc as other competitors.

If you are not convinced yet then join any other filehosts for a while you'll then realize filesonic is far better.
I will wait 5-6 days and see that i will get any sale or not if can't get any sale, filesonic would be finished for me.

There was such screen, someone had posted here a while ago and this was just a coincidence then.

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It's amazing when you switch to PPS that you don't have any sales, this happens too much to be just a coincidence.

Hish, I still don't have an answer, Fsc's support is way too silent when it comes to this.
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