– $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

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Hish I have Q

can I have two filesonic account

one pay per download and other pay per sale

with same paypal account

and other Q.

Can I buy to my friends filesonic accounts with my referral sale link



No, you can not have 2 affiliate accounts.

You can not buy from your links. He has to buy from it.


Hish some q here :)

can i become a reseller and affilate too

becoz i have 2 target

one target dont have paypal

they can only bank transfer

that why i need reseller system

but for my site it's need to sale premium too

Hi guys

Remote Upload is much better now.. I see the Queue is moving MUCH faster... If the problem happens again, please let me know!



Hish some q here :)

can i become a reseller and affilate too

becoz i have 2 target

one target dont have paypal

they can only bank transfer

that why i need reseller system

but for my site it's need to sale premium too


Hi Rachs,

Yes, you can be both, but you need to have a good site that is fully functional

@upload68 and Arvendu

Hey guys you normal pps 60%. If you choose pps only than you would get 5.4$ (60%) but you choose Half means 50% i.e. 2.7$ .
which is showing correct at this moment at ur stats . You also get total download /2 = total download earning/2. (Half)

Half and Half not means 50% of the total sale ($9). It means the amount you could get at pps normal (5.4$) /2 = 2.7$

Hope you understand.. :)
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