What are the difference between us and eu FTP server ? As well as most upload speeds in relation to the area where it is, there are other differences?
Dude alex17 please you are telling how much sales you make everyday,can you just say how much posts do you have 5000 or 50 000 - quality or spamming all kinds of stuff.
If it's ok that is :D
We have detected some suspicious behaviour coming from your IP address ( and have been temporarily blocked. If you feel this is an error, click here to report it to our technical team.
Please Enter Captcha:
We have detected some suspicious behaviour coming from your IP address ( and have been temporarily blocked. If you feel this is an error, click here to report it to our technical team.
Have you think about how your material can attract peoples..?
Or where you post those links, do the places have good traffics..?
Sometimes it's not about Quantity...
Just suggestion mate, hope you can understand that.
yes dude it drops coz credits wil count frm 1 - 30 daysI sent a PM to Hish but he hasn't replied to me yet. I think there is errors in Play Sonic. Every time I got sales, my qualify credit dropped instead of going up. It's been dropped from 8000+ to 6,600+ and Sergeant to Corporal **. Filesonic, please fix this.
I'm constantly getting this:
Code:We have detected some suspicious behaviour coming from your IP address ( and have been temporarily blocked. If you feel this is an error, click here to report it to our technical team. Please Enter Captcha:
I've reset my connection and tried 4 different IP's, all in completely different ranges and I can't get past this error.
I've been a premium customer for months, since RS shot itself.
Any help? I'd go to filesonic website to look for help, but since it's an IP ban from the entire site...
Code:We have detected some suspicious behaviour coming from your IP address ( and have been temporarily blocked. If you feel this is an error, click here to report it to our technical team.
Another IP attempt, tried 5 now. All blocked, no idea why. My account works from my US & UK RDP (I have EU&US servers for work).
-edit, woops wrong place I'll remake it elsewhere