– $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

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Hi, i am a fileserve uploader, but i am very interested in sharing throught filesonic too (or maybe pass all to filesonic and leave fileserve), but i have a little questions...

1. How works the system for the downloads stats?
*how many downloads per ip (free user) are counted?
*how many downloads per premium user are counted?
2. why spain is in C category? it will be moved to B category in the next future?
3. How is the support? is great than fileserve?
4. are the payments made?


PD: i have a premium account and i share 1gb files.


hish, can you please answer me at last this two questions?
*how many downloads per ip (free user) are counted?
*how many downloads per premium user are counted?

i read in your web site (in the image and in the faqs) and in the first post of tis topic and i cant find the information, can you please answer me or at last tell me where can i read that?


fileserve says this in his web:

That is what i'm asking you about....

Thanks and Welcome for your nice comments :)


Shortly after the posting comment, I sold the first account.
From now , besides my girlfriend, reverse it became my lucky star.
Just, pssssst, that she does not hear anything about this, because she lives in the belief that she was responsible for my account sales.
Dear Filesonic staff, I can't figure why I can't switch to 1GB download for free users, I keep getting this message:

File size: 950.00 MB

Download Error

The file that you're trying to download is larger than 400Mb.

I have tried more than 100 times, and it simply refuse to work for me.
I also submit a ticket 4 days ago, and didn't received an answer on this matter...
I thought it worked, few days ago, and when I checked now, it still doesn't work.
My ref number is 679609, and it looks that file that I uploaded, isn't on my account...even tho I uploaded it, together with 13 other parts, only 7 random parts out of 13 are on my account...
I just tried files that ARE on my account, and they are it isn't 1GB limit...
Do you guys have API, so I can develop my own uploading app, and not rely on 3rd party applications garbage??

Can you at least see where other parts ended up, are they on someone's account, or just uploaded nowhere? Like anonymous user?

I can give File ID, so you can check

Sorry for not replying earlier :)

1 download per unique IP per 24 hours!



Thanks for answer, but ooh, now i am confused.... so the thing is:

6 downloads from the free users (or anonimus) each 24 hours.
1 download per premium user each 24 hours.


thanks again, i wait answer, sorry my confusion.
fileserve says they count 6 downloads per each Unique free ip (one download per file, but only 6 files) this means if one free ip download 100 diferent files from my links, i have 6 download from that ip.

you tell me filesonic counts more? unlimited? so if One unique free IP download 1000 of my files in the same day, i will have 1000 downloads in my stats?

amazing, and i losing my time with fileserve...
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