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Hi guys, i started fsonic this month and i had 30$ for payout at Friday,, and now i have like 50$, so i was wondering how long does it take for Fsonic to pay and will i get 30$ or 50$.. and do i have to click payout somewhere or its automatically?
Hey guy

Why my files uoload many times with FTP?

Hello Mate

Hish will be here anytime now , so please wait , he can explain this issue (if any )in detail.


Hey guys, can someone advice me on this issue?


And when free user try to download files from my account that are 950MB in size, they get this message:


How do I fix this issue?

cvrle77 , Just repeat the process one more time , sometimes the database settings and user settings dont get synced.

I too have 1 GB set as free and its working ..

Please repeat the process and let us know :)

FileSonic Support is worse than other filehosting I have ever used !

Support ticket was sent, PM via Wj Private message.. But support team seems is disabled ?

If now anyone register premium account via premium-ref link, I think FileSonic should remove it immediately and notice to all user. For what ? What I can get from premium-ref link? Now IS NOTHING !

It means cheating all user who is using premium-ref link, special is webmasters and blog owners X-(
by the way why Qualifying Credits fell down per day ??? even if I did not use it in anywhere?

Your "qualifying credits" count is the total of credits you have accumulated over the last 30 days. Only your qualifying credits affect your level.

Its the Credits which would be spent later and not qualifying credits

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