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Finally Filesonic Off Affilate Program.
What About payment?

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I lost 800$ in this week, probably it is lesser amount than some of us, but still big money for me, I am not able to pay for many things now, including leeches, shells, servers, etc.
Welcome in the Brave New World, World where everything is controlled.

Hish, You were the last person I could accuse about scamming.

Now I got even greater respect for Willy.
So - Mission Accomplished? ah? :) Good year to start with. - Do remember atleast if your account is active then it is fine. Because anything can happen soon. We will have to wait for some days.

If you delete your files - please go check if they can be downloaded.
I deleted all my files but they are still up.

Looks like FSC still tries to earn money from my files...

I'm reasonably certain Fsc will make one final affiliate payout, what is owed to everyone. But the earning system is now gone for good. Fsc has servers in the USA so they likely felt they had no choice. As well, they're now going into accounts with obvious copyrighted files and doing mass removals. They want to be seen as proactive on piracy. It won't do them any good if the U.S. feds do go after them.
My own problem is all my files are hosted on Fsc because of their affiliate system, in a lifetime account. If they did not offer incentives, I would never have originally joined.
Does anyone know of other hosts which will maintain their affiliate program, who have their offices and servers in safe countries ?

me too, but for me, if they change all lifetime to becoming a lifetime collaborator account, I think, I still upload files to filesonic though
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