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I can move or copy use another browser.
which browser u use
firefox or google chrome works
I have 40 folders in root

I can move or copy use another browser.
which browser u use
firefox or google chrome works
I have 40 folders in root

edit :
I'm using FF3.6 and opera 11.6
and more than 20 folders in subfolder
what FF version you use ?
firefox 8.0 I use
opera 11.60


and now use 9.0.1 and works too
a bit different situation then,
as my folder is in subfolder, but your folder is in the root

I will create the folder in the root, and move it when filesonic fix it then

Make sure on Setup Page you are Selecting Filesonic API, and it is doing it automatically for me, maybe its just me it is working for, but its working.

If I choose "Filesonic API", then the download from filesonic not working.
So I have to switch to "Regular" each time when I need to download something?
do you mean u can not move files in ROOT to the SUB FOLDERS ?
or can not from a FOLDER to the SUBFOLDER in THIS FOLDER. ???
both are facing same problem
cannot move files from root to subfolder and cannot move folder to folder if there are more than 20 folder already
And there you have it people. 1/4 of sales now. DID FSC not see the drop in sales, I doubt it. Guess it wont be happy Xmas for those that are on PPS. Regardless thanks to filesonic for fixing the very annoying sorting issue, greatly appreciated.
If I choose "Filesonic API", then the download from filesonic not working.
So I have to switch to "Regular" each time when I need to download something?

I am only talking about uploading, I dont leech from FSC links, I use torrents, the links that are being made are correct
I'm too, but sometimes I need to download something from filesonic, and each time I will have to change to "Regular", because download with "API Access" not working since yesterday.
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