– $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

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i have one personal account and one account we use for my team ... so i actually have one account and my team has its own account ^^ not my fault if i can menage both ^^ team account all my workers use it and we share revenue from it personal i only use it anyway waiting from a reply from ufficial support / hish support
You can call it what you want, but it is still not allowed.
You are only allowed to own/access 1 account for earning money @ FileSonic.
You can not make things up like a team account and think that you are covered.

Otherwise I will make myself several 'team accounts' with me as the only team member. :)
Or maybe I will make an account for my pet - 'pet-account'. :)
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yeah dude we work with filesonic.. we are not money bitches.. i think all what we care is to keep a good work partners such as filesonic. we dont want troubles and best way of not haveing troubles is respect, truth and transparency.

You totally missed the fact that FileSonic screwed up this weeks payments and are working hard to solve it?

Sit down and relax and stop calling FileSonic cheaters ffs.
Read the message they sent you on the site:

Some affiliates received wrong amount by Paypal

Hi guys!

Thank you for bringing the payout issue to our attention. I verified all the payouts in the admin and the correct amounts were sent out (as you can see in your payments page)..

Now we see that many of you received wrong payouts.

We are contacting paypal and will try to resolve the issue ASAP!

Your patience is appreciated

Best Regards


Be patient, they will fix it!
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