- UP TO 20$ PPD- Official support thread.

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well the thing about download files from filesfrog. users have speed insues.
please fix it.
ppl said that cant download anything.
any fix soon?
Thank you for all your payments by Payza ...
My question is:
the monthly payment will be for Payza and WebMoney?
only be for a monthly or webmoney?
is to be clear that payments via Payza will continue in the same way and no monthly ...
Enlighten this question please.
Thank you
New message from admin:
WE CHANGED PAYMENT TERMS TO CAN 30 DAYS maximum from payment request.
we have problem with webmoney and it will fixed soon for all users your money is safe with us

Does this mean that we will have to wait up to 30 days to get our WMZ payment??
If so is it possible to switch to payza??
[Quote = vientos; 1979413] Nuevo mensaje de administrador:
[CITA] . CAMBIAMOS CONDICIONES DE PAGO PARA CAN 30 días como máximo a partir de la solicitud de pago que tenemos un problema con webmoney y será fijada en breve para todos los usuarios de su dinero es seguro con nosotros [/ QUOTE ] ¿Significa esto que vamos a tener que esperar hasta 30 días para obtener nuestro pago WMZ?? De ser así ¿es posible cambiar a AlertPay? [/ quote]

@ Files Frog

u said all payza payment processed

but my payza payment still pending....

waiting for payment

may i know when i will receive my payment ??
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