FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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It doesn't have an impact on the stats you have.


Didn't have one on this graph :)

And news is that it will be up to speed between 15th-20th of April.
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Many links people tld me they have errors 404 i sent two links to U bro and u thankful answered me they are OK but many people can not download these files because of 4040 error so i think there is something missed out there: the files on server but can not be downloaded and u check they are OK !?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?
@ ciaociao:

-Let's confirm by asking the others in here if it takes 1-2-3 minutes to open our page

[font size=5]Anyone?[/font]

-I guess there's no pleasing for anyone if 6500 KB/sec is slow. Thanks for confirming.

-So you're talking straight after me; I said we had bigger issues to solve such as 404 which would affect earnings. File Manager stats count has never affected earnings.

-You upload a file, you can download it. I can download my own files because I do it on a daily basis.

You blatantly do not own any servers that even touches the heel of the capacity, speed and memory of ours. If you did you would know the cost of each server, and you wouldn't be making such comments.

Again...What 5 months old bug?
What are you trying to insinuate? We know we have a few issues. Where do I deny that? You make it out to be a bigger fire than what it in reality is, just a spark.

What war?

As said; if you are so disappointed, why are you sticking around?

@ demian: Your PP ok?

@ myincome: You want a screenshot or what?
Hi RickyFS

I sent a ticket 2 days ago to fileserve support and untill now i didn't got any response, maybe you can help me:

Since 2 weeks ago my downloads stopped counting for the new uploads, i mean the files i uploaded last 15 days the downloads aren't counting, but the older ones are, so in stats i'm only having the old files downloads and not the new ones ( i can confirm by some users that they are downloading my files).

I would like your help.
Thanks in advance.
@ blue_412: Should have been for the past 28 days ;) We're in the process of fixing this.

@ ciaociao: I don't think you understand. Answer this; are you still using us?

I'll warn you only once; do not answer like you're a rep in here. You're in no position to do that.

@ Don_Dany_21: Repack it and upload :)

the download count on filemanager for previous 10 to 15 days are not counting ? is that earning also counted for that files , even i am not getting 1 download count for these files , is this error or bug for me or disabled by fileserve ?
@ Ar!yaN: Yes, earnings are counted, and yes earnings are working. If you doubt that, please make a new account, upload a file, give it to your friend, let them download it (premium or free) and see for yourself :)

It is disabled by us as it is still undergoing testing, but I was promised it would be back in approximately 13 days.
Is there something wrong with Fileserve today?

I'm using JDownloader and all I get is the message "Download incomplete" or "Disconnected" when trying to download files. Never had this problem before. I'm using a premium account.

I couldn't find any information on the Fileserve website or on other forums so any help would be appreciated, thanks.
@ onurerdal: Wait 1 hour before you try to copy. Might help. Let me know if it doesn't.

@ JMantis: I would not suspect that to be the case. Have you tried using another download manager? Fileserve Manager for example?

@ Demian666: Is your payment account in good standing?

@ ciaociao: I'll ask you politely to stop posting in this thread. You have already made yourself clear that our FTP upload speed sucks, and I've acknowledged that. Now, I'm politely asking you to back off and let us do what we need to do.

I do not need to read your repetitive nonsense over and over again. Enough is enough. Since you joined you've been a broken sound-recorder. Rephrasing and saying the same things over and over again.

I'm not here to argue with you. I'm here to help users. If you cannot distinguish these two things, your place in here isn't welcomed. This is a formal warning and I hope it sinks in.
ricky i downloaded your fileserve manager and its sexy xD but the thing you gotta add is (Upload Feature) thats what i need specially (REMOTE UPLOAD) Feature :( are you guys working on it or there will be no UploadManager for fileserve?> :(

@ CyberAff: Yes, because we didn't just pull a program out of a paid 100 dollar script and called it our own manager.

We are working on the upload feature for it. I think I was told early OR late May (can't remember which) where a test version will come out for the upload feature.

We know our FileServe Manager is the best for accelerating your downloads. Comes free of charge of course :)
@ Cashio: Should be back to normal now. Looks like files took 3x the time it should have taken. Fixed now.

Hi Ricky!

Today, FTP works perfectly, so thanks for the fix! :D
Unfortunately, the problem with copying seems to be getting bigger, today I'm not unable to copy any file sent via FTP, reupload doesn't solve the problem.
Also some files uploaded yesterday and one from two days ago, still give an error when copying.

Does anyone have similar problems with copying files uploaded via browser?
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