FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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I begin by saying that I am very happy with fileserve. I also confirm that Ricky has given me a great support.

This request (which I hope some people join) is to beg fileserve to change something that I think is very, very wrong ...

I talk about the information system on deleting files (DMCA).

Hotfile has an excellent system, send an email giving the name of the file that was removed immediately this has been deleted.

It would, in my opinion, great if Fileserver do the same with the "empty" emails it sends.

If this is too complicated, could also be an excellent option if the list of DMCA can be arranged by date deleted and not by date of publication
¿what's the point to know the publication date of a file that was deleted?

Has been extremely difficult for me to keep my files online because I have no idea which of the files is the one that has been deleted.
Be reviewed daily folder by folder, file by file, it's frustrating.

I hope Fileserve can do something about this.

¿What do you think?

hey man i have the same problem man....cannot put back the deleted files....i requested it b4 but there was no response 4 is a request tht u fix tht up in the manager.....just the date of the deletion as mentioned above will be relly helpful ......long live fileserve

The DMCA issue have been suggested hundreds of times.
Hopefully something will be done :)

I WAS LAUGHING MY ASS OFF READING THIS!!! DON'T GET ME WRONG! I was not laughing at the poster. I could not agree more! fileserve shoul really take action to deal with this USELESS DMCA TAB and EMPTY EMAIL!

Please Fileserve.... Give us a light.... Don't you see that this is really important to us.... Haaaaaah, im going to cry....
@Ricky let me ask you this. In your humble and honest opinion, which is more popular these days, hotfile or fileserve?

I posted a mega topic today on various warez sites with fileserve links as primary and with hotfile as mirrors. In 6 hours I only got 114 downloads with filesereve while with hotfile, almost 500 already.

Do people just choose hotfile links over filserve links? Or there really is something fishy going on with the stat system of FS? I'll wager on the latter. :P

Mr Ricky, do have any news about those of us who were left out by the mass-payment yesterday?? My pending payment still says "approved", and now it has a green check mark on it.

Will you be able to send the pending forgotten payouts today??

Would be very thankful for a response.

Thank you.
@ techdaemon: Check their alexa compared to ours and that should be an appropriate answer. Remember how many more members they have compared to us and what headstart they had as wel.

@ DaZeffa2010: They were paid again around an hour ago. :) I'm sure there will be a few of them posting here that they were paid.
Hey Ricky I was wondering, does FS Remote Upload resume broken downloads like FTP or will it download the whole thing again from a remote server if it times out?
@ DaZeffa2010: They were paid again around an hour ago. :) I'm sure there will be a few of them posting here that they were paid.

Yes, I just received notification from PayPal. Thank you very much for sorting this out.

Payment received.

By the way.... did you ever find out why we were "forgotten" in the first place?8-)

Thank you for your help. :):)
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