FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Dont see any issues with your account. Clear your cache, Ctrl + F5. And it's probably best you remove your username in here for everyone's sake.

i am still getting the error even after clearing my browser history
please sort it out for me as i need to use the service as thats what i paid for
Hum.... yeah, strange.... tuesday night and payout button still not available...... weird this huge delay... :(

added 3 hours later:

still nothing.... payout button not available. :(

how can we get paid tomorrow if we can't even click the payout button? and there's nothing on the news regarding this delay.
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same here :(

well, the rest of us still dont have the payout button available, and i speak for myself when i say this has never happened to me before. not ever.

and there is no word on the news about this delay. you probably caught a lucky break cause as you can see, many of us (if not most of us), cant click payout..... still waiting for the transfer to payout account..... :(:(
Still waiting!!! Never happened this before and it's quite upsetting that there is no answer from Ricky at all......

Still pending transfer to payout account since Jan 8th!! I have no refs, no nothing. Always been transfered on time.... and now this!!! Wont even be paid this week. :facepalm:
I got the request button..but, from what i see the stats may be frozen too, i guess there are some problems, be patient ..I'm sure the things would get sort out soon
Dedicated server


I have a premium account, but I can´t use them in my dedicated servers, only in my house.

Can you help me please?
No, I won´t relax.

This is second time I post my problem and you don´t fix them.

Today is weekend. Please wait
And I am still waiting for solution!

I send a ticket [#466202]‏

for fileserve and only received the automatic answer .

So, do you will solve my problem or not? because I'm getting tired, not relaxed.
@ shetkhs: Yes, sorry - We're not open for your Rapidleech business model. Have a good day and download from your home connection instead of your "dedicated servers". So fall back a bit and relax.
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