FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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@ normal: I do not have that

@ eatberry: It is pretty quick. Our RU is really dependant on the host. From MU and RS we can hit speeds up to 10-15 MB/s while at times WU goes at 500 KB/s. The speed isn't controlled by us, but the host. Please see the recommendations for who you should remote from:

RS, MU, Uploadstation,


I'm calling it a day guys - Good night!
dear RickyFS,

when the ability to remove our Failed uploads will be returned to Menu bars, The Delete buttons are missed, we can't Delete our Pending or Failed Files as the past.

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@ All: Please RU from places that have quick servers, RS & MU & NL & Uploadstation is a good choice.

sorry, but all remote uploads from Netload always fail. from filefactory they don't even start: something about a file too large to upload or non existing file (not true, indeed).
I am having problems with web upload speed and everything is fine but when i add files above 25 to 200 its shows its uploaded all but i find some files missing the file manager and it doesn't shows up unless i upload them again from ftp plus looking for each file which is missing every time is to much time consuming any chance fixing this problem or is it just me having it


FS User ID SAMNhaNc3
@ beleegh999: Noted already :)

@ zoubair1990: Do I need to say it over and over again? FSC banned our remote upload servers.

@ Sonic: I have never received that. If you do get that speed, note down the file URL and time of this occuring.

@ target: A little bit more details would be hopeful. You can't just say it is "slow" and expect me to hand over information like that.

@ Shady, MSL6600: We know of that "invisible file". It doesn't hurt you right now - We will take care of it.

@ SAMNhaNc3: Speed from your RDP? I'm a bit puzzled. You mention webupload first, then go on about FTP? Is it web or FTP that you are having issues with?

@ Dj.IcE: Site is up and running perfectly and it has been for weeks.

@ KINGTHEALI: On day change there may be a little delay in updating stats. This is rarely a big case.
I am having problems with web uploads , Web upload speed is fine but when i add files above 25 to 200 its shows its uploaded all Successfully on the file up-loader but i find some files missing in the file manager and it doesn't shows up unless i upload them again from ftp plus looking for each file which is missing every time is to much time consuming any chance fixing this problem or is it just me having it


FS User ID SAMNhaNc3
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