FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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@ techdaemon: You can export 500 links at a time? Not good enough? :)

@ pocs: We have not set that up yet.

@ PerMaFrOsT: Then we don't work under same roof I guess.

No, not good enough. Allow us to export all links in a folder no matter their number. Like I said, it's useless because copying links by clicking select all and pressing CTRL+A and then CTRL+C on the text area is even more convenient.
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@ file: If we don't work under same roof would that make us different? I think so :)

@ hamada: No issues here.

@ techdaemon: So demanding ;) Some people like to see the size of their file and filenames.

Maybe we can make this function.
I always wonder what DMCA have anything to do with most Japanese videos that are only copyrighted in Japan. DMCA is an American thing and I fully understand protecting American companies' intellectual properties. But iT seems Fileserve is extending DMCA internationally just so it doesn't hurt doing businesses with these countries. That's understandable too.
I know. How is that different from people selling foreign pirated porn DVD that are not copyrighted in the US but are copyrighted in the manufacturer's home country. That I believe is legit.
In most countries, if you create something, you automatically have the copyright to the work:
"When is my work protected?
Your work is under copyright protection the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form that it is perceptible either directly or with the aid of a machine or device. "

And the US has copyright agreements with a lot of countries.

Read up on copyright DOT gov

Japan¹⁴  ·  Berne (Paris) July 15, 1899; Bilateral May 10,
1906; UCC Geneva Apr. 28, 1956; UCC Paris Oct. 21, 1977;
Phonograms Oct. 14, 1978; WTO Jan. 1, 1995; WCT Mar. 6,
2002; WPPT Oct. 9, 2002


"Japanese copyright law protects all works "in which thoughts or sentiments are expressed in a creative way, and which falls within the literary, scientific, artistic or musicaldomain". The laws automatically provide the following rights, without the need for formal declaration or registration."

Can anyone explain, how?
Mark folder, hit upload.
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Dude, file host will delete your files if they receive DMCA take down request. With the amount of request coming in, do you think they will check if those request are legit? They just wipe everything clean. Don't be surprise if your video of your house cat fucking your house dog which you have never shared anywhere got deleted because someone lodge a DMCA.

There are some people providing DMCA complain service to file uploaders. They will help you take down your competition in warez-bb or anywhere you name it. Just a legit looking email (template can be found on the net) and the one sittingat the desk at filehost will click the delete button.

Added after 5 minutes:

Is ther any problem with the server fsdndm? Can you guys download from this server?
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