FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Why not Increasing Earnings per Downloads from 25$ to 30 or 35$

This has been discussed over and over again. Fileserve wont change the pay rates EVER. I really hope they wont. Do you want them to pay more and scam you downloads or pay relatively less but count all downloads? I guess the later

Fileserve's reward system is fine as it is, they dont need a revamping of any kind. They just need to sort out their bugs and keep on improving the quality of their service.

Paying the highest doesn't guarantee you a good file hosting.
First page :)

It will be for good and load quicker than anyone else's first page.

@ all: You just need to grind it out. At periods it will be slow. Nothing I can do about it. No matter how much you complain, time won't go any faster.

Aye sorry mate, didn't notice the info on first page. Hope the file manager & ftp will work like a well oiled machine after this maintenance.
PCH i have been paid and i am sure a majority of users have been paid also.
When did you ask for payout ?

screen from my Account

everything screwed up, file manager not loading, files are not uploading: web nor ftp

oh page one,my page one....*looking at page one sadly...*

Oh its the network lol
everything screwed up, file manager not loading, files are not uploading: web nor ftp

oh page one,my page one....*looking at page one sadly...*

Oh its the network lol

If we go down with a 404...Try to go to and check if their page is down too (even though it runs on separate servers) :)
@Ricky a lot of uploaders been banned from HF
so do expect a lot of people moving to FS

If you are thinking of buying more servers and other important equipment
do it now before it starts to cause slow loading of FS pages
and problems with download

my 5 cents :)

btw - FS page is slow whole day today - working but slow
and yesterday downloading was slow too
i emailed ur support about the storage problem i upload only HD stuff and 500GB is nothing please kindly make it atleast 5TB.

and secondly when ever i upload via remote some files never got uploaded i have a dedicated 1GBPS line for uploading i think u need to fix ur remote upload feature we should be able to see A what speed fileserve is downloading the file and how much % is done.

and ur ftp upload sucks it is saving file chunk sizes for example i upload a 400mb files then it will save it randomly for example i upload file (abc.rar 400 mb) then i'll see so many files by this name and with diffrent sizes abc.rar 50 mb 60mb 85 mb and so on !

why don't u guys purchase servers in europe like filesonic so we can upload at high speed from europe currently i'm getting 2mbps :( on filesonic europe i get 25 to 50 mbps upload speed.

please kindly take these things seriously.

@ zenica: Don't worry about how many servers we get. We always get enough, hence why we can offer unlimited space...unlike others. Please see first page.

Downloading is unaffected to the maintenance we're performing. I've been downloading just fine and been getting my mandatory 5-10GB/day of test files.

@ Simmer: The plan is probably to implement the 1 server, 1 file at a time. Sounds better? Then you would probably be able to see how far the process is on each file, but then it would certainly be much slower compared to us grabbing 10 files at a time.

I don't recognize your FTP problem since I've successfully uploaded larger files without any problem or duplications with smaller sizes. That will only happen in the rare cases of our DC going down like 1 hour ago.

We are not familiar with the EU regulations, so we would rather not jump head first into the deep end of the pool without knowing how to swim. Makes sense?

If you're a Premium then storage isn't a problem :)
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