FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Is it from all FS servers or only one?

If it is from all servers:
Not the first time a user has complained about FS when the problem is the users own fault / a local problem.

Fix your PC/network/whatever.
How do you explain that no other users has the same problem as you then?

The thread would be filled with users complaining about 30KBs if it was a common problem.
premium members have that option ? i will be premium in a week or two , just to sattle down in my new apartmant , so i can buy 365 day without thinking of wasting it , but i didn't know prem have that option . what more is different ?
How do you explain that no other users has the same problem as you then?

The thread would be filled with users complaining about 30KBs if it was a common problem.

there is an explanation if you think about it, rather the fact that there are many factors which may result why some users are experiencing 'crap' speeds while others are experiencing 'awesome' speeds.

now if you think about it, factors will include that of location of server, location of the individual downloading (this will also depend on the speed of your isp), as well as that of your firewall and download manager (if your using any). others may or may not include a one off problem, which may or may not come back every now and than (not really a problem in the eyes of many people) but it does however result in complaints such as a couple around here.

yea yea, im a fag, happy? :)
> yea yea, im a fag, happy?

No, but I did not seek an explanation to why a single user could have a problem.
Of course a single user can have a local problem.
^ it could be a combination of both, although considering the likelyhood that FS is to blame is rather low

is fs the only filehost which gives you such speeds, like have you tried downloading from megaupload / rapidshare at the same time (well, in the same day) to check if its fileserve's fault? o.o

whats wrong with fileserve?

what happened to my files?

i get this download link

whernever i click on any of my files

i get this msg:

"404 - Page not found
The file or page you tried to access is no longer accessible.
Become a Premium user and get access to millions of files at unlimited speeds and unlimited storage for your files. You can purchase a Premium Account.
Your account will be activated immediately.
So why I don't have that problem all the time? It possibly because of FS servers.

If you have a problem, its a good idea to write a little bit about the problem other than just "30 KB/s for a premium" - like you wrote yesterday. No one can help you with such a short description of your problem.

Does it happen on all servers?
All the time? Can you replicate it?
Is it 24/7 or only in the evening?

And that was the last comment from me regarding your problem.
I do not want to waste more of my time.
Hey Ricky? What is wrong with FTP upload??

I was uploading a 2 parts - 1GB part and 400MB part .. 1GB part is there, and 400MB part stops and is in "Pending FTP files". And I ask why??? I try to upload it for second time, but no results. It is still in "Pending FTP Files" :(
How long time did you wait for the 400MB file?

It is not unusual to have to wait 5-10 minutes for pending FTP files - up to 1 hour on bad days.

Good luck explaining to Ricky what your problem is:
"30 KB/s for a premium - I know what I am speaking of.
Fix it!"

Ricky will probably instantly know what is wrong with the FS servers and fix it within seconds based on your detailed description.
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