WHY PEOPLE ARE SO STUPID? Is this your first year on the i-net?
READ PAGE 1 !!!!!!!
Why didn't I get a reply?
Here's a reason why:
6. You put your information in public instead of PM'ing me.
Hello Fileserve's Support team,
My Fileserve account is: AndyKool
It has been hacked by another person who has email 'wantedgals@yahoo.com'.
My email was changed 'thuongngoctan_2010' to 'wantedgals@yahoo.com'.
My payment info was changed 'Webmoney Z245384929060' to 'Alertpay shiven.junejao@gmail.com'.
Please help me to get back my account and my money!
Currently, postpone my payout to 18 December 2011, please!
Best regards.