- 8$ Pay Per Sale & up to 32$ for 1000 Downloads (Official Thread)

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so, when you signup, you are on PPD plan by default, and you can't switch to PPS until you wait 5 days?

this is UN-fair

the PPD stats is counting ridiculous.

so..wait 5 days, some people can generate at leat 20 sales, that means $200 is lost during this waiting period.
for 700MB file 4dls 0$
gud host
up comming holderfile
PPD is only for anonymous users. 700 MB file can only be downloaded by a premium user and they do not pay for premium downloads.

P.S. Are stats working for everyone? Mine seems to be stuck for 1-2 hours.
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don't think so either, besides pay table decreased too much,
@KOF we know you're trying the best but pay table down a lot, can you pls increase it a little?
209 / $0.986

lol..shame, they don't let me use PPS right after signup, have to wait 5 days to switch to PPS right after signup.

PPD is almost shit combined with these stats, so, would rather shut down PPD,and stick with only PPS $10,and you need to invest some money to take the traffic,and earn back in a few months.

or if you are not serious about making BIG money like filesonic did and only happy about scamming a few dollars, better close your site now, $32 to attracte people to join and then decrease PPD Rate, file host thing is business,it takes time to earn if you are in the *right direction*, not lottery!

i have lost patience with this host.
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Sample Traffic:
A=50%, B=20%, C=20% & D=10%

Rates for 250 MB - 300 MB files (per 1000 downloads):
Old PPD Plan = 13.80 $
New PPD Plan = 6.00 $
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