- 8$ Pay Per Sale & up to 32$ for 1000 Downloads (Official Thread)

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We Indians are very fond of watching some romantec/xx scenes from BGrade movies.
1. Do you allow small clips from BGrade movies?
2. Do you allow complete/entire BGrade movies?

Thanks you.
Really funny.

Only files I uploaded with FTP are counting. Files uloaded via Webupload or Zoomuploader are not counting.

And ofcourse the next host which counts the earnings less than they offer like their PPD-Table.

I have only one file (271MB) and 14 downloads but I get 8$/1000 instead of 14$/1000 (downloads are from Italy).
Is this another bug or the Reward table is wrong?

2012-04-13 14 / $0.112 0 / $0 $0.112

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Minimum payout is $50 USD . so high . plz fix it . 15 or 20$ is good

Exactly. $50 is the first indication to people they are going to get ripped off because it takes a long time for some to get to $50 which gives the host plenty of time to earn premiums on your files and then walk away claiming they've closed the affiliate program.

Not saying they're going to do this but people have wised up and $50 is too high.

People should wait until they make an announcement that they have fixed downloads/earnings before you give them a try.
Yeah I think all pass on this host. I'm a huge premium seller too. Too many issues again out of the gate, downloads not counting and the big malware alert everyone gets. I don't think I want to be associated to my downloaders for sending them to a site that gives them virus/malware alerts.
You can download files up to 400 Mb only.
Upgrade your account to download bigger files.

Can you change 400Mb to 1 GB thanks..
You can download files up to 400 Mb only.
Upgrade your account to download bigger files.

Can you change 400Mb to 1 GB thanks..
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