- 8$ Pay Per Sale & up to 32$ for 1000 Downloads (Official Thread)

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i think the rates too lower
i got yesterday 325downloading,only $1.38,but in filevelocity only 200+downloading,i got more than 4$
2012-06-27 325 / $1.3800 0 / $0 $1.38
and they only count one unique file per unique IP address every 24 hours

so if i upload something up to say 4gb i would have to split the file into 500mb parts as this is the max what free downloaders can download
so so i upload 8 files of 500mb im only getting paid for one file
if you look at the pay table for filereactor you actually need 2000 downloads
cause 1000 files x 500mb you only get 12 dollers for tier a so 2000 downloads
is only 24 dollers and minimum to request payout is 25 dollers
anybody wanna tell me have they reached over 2000 downloads
on ppd and have got a payout
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i got 4 times payment in filevelocity

But velocity no pay for a long time...

Payments history DateAmountStatus 2012-06-27$21.43PENDING 2012-06-22$20.07PENDING 2012-06-17$21.12PAID 2012-06-10$20.07PAID 2012-06-02$20.51PAID 2012-05-28$20.02PAID

above is my payment history in filevelocity
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