FilepV User Experience and Uploaders Talk [The Official Dont Speak]
What is this site?
Domain: https://filepv.com
Sample Link: https://filepv.com/h7zq6po3xakl/Invincible.2021.S03E07.720p.WEB.H264-JFF.mkv.html
Official Thread: https://www.wjunction.com/threads/filepv-com-no-downloads-limits-ppd-15-1000-downloads.266532
Upload Options: [FTP Added]

PPD Chart?

Copy Files Works?

Hows The Download Speed and Experience?

Config: 4pop Ups, 15sec Timer, One Captcha [Nothing Much]

Users Like It?

Wherever you go, Youll Find It And People Request Their Links, God Knows Why They Loves This

Any Payment Proofs?

Earning Possible With It?

Another Payout On The Way
Stats Are RealTime?

Is It Still Working?


So in summary, If i get the following payout, answer to everyones question, as the admin never speaks I had to open this thread for all FILEPV uploaders, you can redicule me, Do whatever, as Im a worker of PPD, this is my job to Research.
So speak up your experience, share your shots and let this thing end or start from here, thank you so very much and forgive me for my sins that i opened a discussion of a previously discussed item

Im also Waiting!