- Up to $35 for downloads or 60% of sales&rebills (Official Thread)

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My speed today is ~2 Mbps FTP to US server. A little bit happy. At least, I can upload some stuff to FP and make some little money.

I hope that someday I can get my 10-80 Mbps back.

upload speed when dont set my account info :

upload speed when set user/pass

if you dont want upload some users and want upload certain users come here ans say
just this ;)

Tested and confirmed. login to account, speed 18 kB/s, upload as free user 58169 kB/s but can not get the download link.
Upload speed is not stable due to still high load of the system. The engineers will continue improvement of the situation. Also as I said, more servers are expected.

As for FTP, we can see that US FTP servers allow to upload files faster than EU ones sometimes - so please try both servers.

Taking into consideration weekend time (more files are usually uploaded during the weekend) we ask you for the patience.

Whats That?!

Is it for the first not better to Fix the Upload Problems?!

Iam a Premium user and Upload is not possible since a Few Days......

Can you say anything about this Problem?!

i get this error:

"Failed to find Upload ID"

This happends since few days and its a Problem on your site.

Last file Uploaded on 29.11.2011

So its very useless at the moment!

We have received your ticket. The engineers will look into that. Can you tell me what software you use for upload? Could you try upload to US servers please?

my files are not appearing in file manager after ftp upload

If the files do not appear within several hours, please reupload them.

FilePost I have a problem!


My last payment (Nov 30,2011) is completed, But the PayPal still have 0.
You can check it?
My login: hadriian

Please submit a ticket to the financial department about that , they will check the question. Your payment won't be lost - please do not worry.

download speed with premium account is 274 Kbps or 300 Kbps I upload 1.5 GB files and it take so long for them

some premium users that visit my site are complaining about this

Yes, we know that premium speed values also decreased recently - the technical team works on that. New servers also will be very helpful.

Remote upload file size limit is 2gb...whereas its mentioned as 5gb

Please send an example of the file you could not upload to our support team.
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