- Up to $35 for downloads or 60% of sales&rebills (Official Thread)

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Does it means that FILEPOST really ban affiliates because of repeated DMCA? Can you please clarify this Filepost.. thanks! :(

the guy was banned coz he upload lots Hollywood movie,and filepost don't want to be next wupload,it's good for us,coz if he is not banned,then we will lost filepost as we lost wu :)
remote from letitbit works but problem is sometimes system cut the download and letitbit accounts are limited (with quota) download (they sell quota with money = € 7 = 300 gb
€ 30 = 1,8 tb or € 55 = 3,6 tb)
We plan to complete the tests of new servers today and enable them for 'real work'. I am sure that would improve the speeds.

The Dude;1126 054 said:
i getting daily 15~20 DMCA file delete notice from filesonic. can i join or i should stay away?

Sure, you can. Sure, we also have to meet DMCAs - no hosting can avoid that.

Why ru takes so much time
I added 5links last night they completed today with 1 fail link

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk

Where do you upload from mostly?

please fix the #SHORTURL# problem.. :facepalm:





take a look! the last character on the shortURL gone after i generate the link.. :facepalm:

Yep, will look into that as soon as possible.

Does it means that FILEPOST really ban affiliates because of repeated DMCA? Can you please clarify this Filepost.. thanks! :(

We have clarified that case. I even would not use a word 'ban' here, we had to close the account of a partner (and we paid him) with 9TB of the newest movies in order to prevent possible problems with copyright owners.

Hi admin,

- please tell me why many premium sales not show where does it come , at Sales Statistics file name and referrer was blank.

That means that the sales came to the system without a referrer for some reason - we can not do anything here.
We plan to complete the tests of new servers today and enable them for 'real work'. I am sure that would improve the speeds.

Sure, you can. Sure, we also have to meet DMCAs - no hosting can avoid that.

Where do you upload from mostly?

Yep, will look into that as soon as possible.

We have clarified that case. I even would not use a word 'ban' here, we had to close the account of a partner (and we paid him) with 9TB of the newest movies in order to prevent possible problems with copyright owners.

That means that the sales came to the system without a referrer for some reason - we can not do anything here.

Thank you for your fast response and fixing those " / " on filenames.. :sun:

Hope you can fix EU-FTP b'coz it's a little bit slow today.. :)

do you delete also backup files? The one that is "Copied" or just the links that is reported by DMCA? thanks :D
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