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hi mike do you guys have plan to set up new servers ?as we all know a lot of wu members move to fp and now ftp upload speed is obviously affect
I have 20+ links having this problem at the moment. It has lasted for hours. I'm done waiting. I'll put mirror links on another filehost otherwise people will start complaining like hell. Please make your server strong enough for the coming traffic. As a lot have already pointed out, FP will soon be crowded with former Wupload affiliates.
just tested uploading to filesonic,fileserve,filepost,filejunge in a 1 Gbps port USA SERVER.


filesonic leading all the way, filepost is the slowest.

and later on i tested FREE download speed from 4 hosts:


WTF?! Fileserve leading all the way like a charm, 400+ KB/s!!!

and speed from filejungle and filepost is crap
free speed from filesonic drops a lot these few month.

i now understand deeply why this unique fileserve can still stay on top of the market withou pps plan.

fileserve is trying to attract Free users just like rs/mu do.

talk about good reputation, i think fileserve will last longer than filesonic,filepost,filejungle..
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