Hi Paradox,
Please upgrade my account, nick: paraman
Is there any problem with the servers again..?
I checked my Newly uploaded files and they Go to this The connection was reset.Please check that and let me know.
*waiting for s3-1.fileparadox....*
Do let us know..Thanks
[TABLE="class: Tableformat"]
Is there any problem with the servers again..?
I checked my Newly uploaded files and they Go to this The connection was reset.Please check that and let me know.
*waiting for s3-1.fileparadox....*
Do let us know..Thanks
We are having apache issues with that server so have enabled another one for now. Try now. If you want to use FTP..I would suggest going for FTP2.
We are having apache issues with that server so have enabled another one for now. Try now. If you want to use FTP..I would suggest going for FTP2.
You didn't understand what i said....People again are Not able to download files present on that server...Says Connection is Resetting..
All the files present on the server s3-1.fileparadox cannot be downloaded...I thought the server issues were solved once and for all.. :139:...It's really frustrating for the downloaders...I am loosing their trust now.
How about emails with deleted files?
That should be working now. I will test it out by uploading 1 file and deleting it. Will let you know the result
That should be working now. I will test it out by uploading 1 file and deleting it. Will let you know the result
DMCA blocking links too wiill get on e-mail? As before?
emails would be working stable?
can I add Canada based paypal account along FP???????/
Your account was banned by administrator.
seem ftp upload is not working properly, i upload 5 files only 4 files appear in My Files, yesterday test twice 3 files 2 appear, 4 files 1 appear...
PS: files are upload simultaneously, so may be 1 server is not working