- Fixed $10.00 - MPS (70% initial sale/60% Rebill) & PPD (40USD/1000)

Which host would you like to be added in the remote upload list?

  • Cloudzer

    Votes: 30 17.4%
  • Ultramegabit

    Votes: 34 19.8%
  • Extabit

    Votes: 29 16.9%
  • Junocloud

    Votes: 33 19.2%

    Votes: 29 16.9%
  • Oteupload

    Votes: 17 9.9%

  • Total voters
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We have fixed the "Password protection" feature of the files. This feature can be found when trying to "Edit" a file.

Thank you "prathaprabhu" for finding the error and letting us know. We thrive to meet our users' suggestions and expectations, therefore, will continue improving our website to give you better experience with us.

Best Regards
Download file dll.rar from zoom site (download section) and unrar it in the same folder of FileUploader.exe
Run FileUploader.exe and go to Tools->Settings->File hosters and set your Fileparadox account and click on Add/Edit button.
To upload file drag it to File & Image Uploader window and in new window choose
Last edited:
Hi admin,

can you tell me how to add DLL and upload files by z-o-o-m? Thank you so much!!!


1) Create a folder.
2) Download the .exe of the zoom uploader and place is inside the newly created folder.
3) Download the DLLs from here:

4) Extract the DLLs in the same folder as zoom's exe.

That's all.
You have to wait 39 minutes, 23 seconds till next download

Download files instantly with Premium-account

But I didn´t download anything yet...I got the captcha wrong and I received this messaege after

Thats BS!

Please use the Chrome browser as it auto updates everything and our captcha system prefers updated browsers or create a free account on the website to reduce the wait time between downloads.
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