How Many Time We Need To Wait Profit Mode : After Once Changed
You need to wait 48 Hours / 2 Days to make the change again.
How Many Time We Need To Wait Profit Mode : After Once Changed
Hello Fileparadox I am an uploader & want to try your prmeium for unlimited space ! Please make me try Premium for a month.
I Will send you my username.
Lol mungifungo you cannot make your sentence yourself ? x)
@Fileparadox , I am now banned , why? It's seems it's because I use 3 vps ...
Hello Fileparadox I am an uploader & want to try your prmeium for unlimited space ! Please make me try Premium for a month.
I Will send you my username Inbox u.
thank Fileparadox
will rebills show up in the report even when im on the $10 plan. i DO NOT want the reward, only the knowledge if there are any rebills at all...
Hello Fileparadox I am an uploader. Please make me try Premium for a month.
My username is Ralf1022
will you please make my account premium for a month
username: EncoderMAI
waiting for reply...
tomorrow, 30-payment :dan:
if everything will be ok, please make me try premium toomargo100
Hello Fileparadox I am an uploader. Please make me try Premium for a month.
My username is sendoh07
tomorrow, 30-payment :dan:
if everything will be ok, please make me try premium toomargo100
Hello Fileparadox,
My account: optimus133 got ban, and my friend's account got ban too, I didn't know that fileparadox don't allow used one IP for multiple account until I read this thread because you don't mention that in your TOS, so I guess cause we used one IP (I shared VPS with my friend). So bored when I earned 180$ and then I got ban. Can you restore my account ? I'll set up another VPS when I received money from I earned.
remote from uploaded not working?![]()