FileOM/Xerver...what we do now??

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One reason not to trust xerver they recently came out plain an simple.They can change the rule anytime an really don't care.

Ok so let's say they merge the 2 file host together an say they will PAY the outstanding fileom payouts within a few months an BAM they up an say they are working at a loss or their funds are frozen or some other BS.

They would do all that just not to pay the outstanding payments of the host they acquired.

I agree, which is why I'm deleting all my files from FileOM and purging them completely from my webservers.

If pays me the owed earnings then I will be willing to evaluate them for an affiliation, however I will evaluate them just as I would any other file host.
80% is too much. even normally there is too much variation of earnings between months. as long as affiliate is earning every month (any amount) he should get 10% of previous balance plus that month earning.
I said earlier we were limited to 40 links per page in the FileOM UI and I was wrong.

You can delete 1,000 files at a time using this URL string:

Rather than writing a script I'm just gonna run a jitbit macro 423 times to delete the contents of the page that URL.
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I agree, which is why I'm deleting all my files from FileOM and purging them completely from my webservers.

If pays me the owed earnings then I will be willing to evaluate them for an affiliation, however I will evaluate them just as I would any other file host.

Totally agree with you, must pays all pending payout first for trust that they will pay, then we will continue working with them.
Well, all's I know is that I'm quite likely to loose earnings on both sites.

That's one.

Second is that with both sites fucked, I'll have to wait at least a year to again those few sales with some other hosts because people (duh, obviously) aren't trusting this shit any longer.
Well, all's I know is that I'm quite likely to loose earnings on both sites.

That's one.

Second is that with both sites fucked, I'll have to wait at least a year to again those few sales with some other hosts because people (duh, obviously) aren't trusting this shit any longer.

I encourage everyone to purge their files from FileOM, don't let these assholes make another dime.
Instead of expressing your discontent, it would be better all affiliates supported the idea of ​​a merger, than as soon as possible we will be paid. Xerver must be sure that no one leave fileom. Please guys, who appreciate what i said, like it. Admin must know that all who liked, will stay with fileom or xerver, does not matter.
This is why the sales stats were so good, fileom never have the intention of paying his affiliates, file0m only wanted to motivate uploaders to post more fileom links to fuck them deeper, i will never ever join a U.S registered company again, they are all scammers!

About this so called "Merge" between "" and scam of the year file0m it is looking like a scam rebill..... well we got fuck one time and now you ask us to resign for an another trip,
I don't believe in file0m story, threir funds have not been frozen, and their payment processor is working well, filegrasper just run away with a big amount of cash that he stole from his affiliate.

Xerver you don"t have reputation yet, you are a newcomer and the terms and condition of your rescue (my ass) attempt is already hurting your reputation, the terms and condition are unacceptable!

- 10 month payment plan is an insult to any uploader inteligence, in 10 month you'll probably have vanished like fileom.
- 80¨% quota is like enslaving the uploaders, how about free time and hollidays,

Peter south was right from the beginning, i knew he was right from the beginning too, and now he is still right, we should all delete our files, file0m is dead and might be the biggest scam of the years, who's next?????

Instead of expressing your discontent, it would be better all affiliates supported the idea of ​​a merger, than as soon as possible we will be paid. Xerver must be sure that no one leave fileom. Please guys, who appreciate what i said, like it. Admin must know that all who liked, will stay with fileom or xerver, does not matter.

Xerver is not doing is best to make uploaders stay!

@Baze, Edit your signature, it so so ridiculous at this moment
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Stop using FileOm, to pay your full debt
switching to another filehost

I feel that we were cheated :facepalm:
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For the record even if the affiliates supported the idea of ​​a merger, than as soon as possible we will be paid.You still won't be getting paid until 3-4 months after.
you will have to upload twice the amount as previous an get 2x more sales or even more just to get paid a percentage of you total earning which you previously had with fileom.

An after you did all that in 10 months they could vanished just like fileom.

These are absolute facts.
Thankfully it changes absolutely nothing whether I delete my files or not, given my site's gone.

But it does rise serious doubts about the future. With fileOM turned scam & Xerver turned odd ever since 3-downloads-per-IP-rule-from-which-we-only-count-unique-visits-and-everything-else-gets-0.000-earning,
there's basically nothing to choose from now, is there?

And as I said above. Consistency with one's user base be damned. No chance to actually earn something of note when at first sight of things starting to get quite OK these fucking hosters go bankrupt or start to suck otherwise.
1. Affiliates continuing to post earnings to a value no less than 80% of current monthly average earnings.

I wish to make this part clear, if I make 70% of my "normal" earnings in a period will you not pay me? what happens of I earn 90% will you pay me more?
And when you say "monthly average" does that mean you will pay once per month only?

This! Exaplain it better please..

You should pay us entirely what fileom owes us and then, if that is done, i will gladly affiliate with you.

Those 10 months crap is purelly stupid just because:
a. You can vanish meanwile
b. Its "our" money, that we earnt with work and dedication and since you are going to "buy" (or whatever the term is) fileom you should straighten everything first
I think that xerver and fileom both are same and you will not got paid with xerver too. If you want to work with xerver then you are 1000% risk. This is the second time when fileom owner did. Try to learn when they sell their image hosting site to other owner and he said that your image and earning are safe and you will be get paid by new owner. And everybody believe and finally what happened some user get money and 90% user don't get money.

So here is the same situation. Try to understand. He sell the site but not earning. All of your earning is in his pocket.

I think xerver and fileom both must be banned from wjunction.

Note : If you want to work with xerver you can do but in future you will realize that you did a big mistake. Just delete all the files with fileom and forgot every thing i.e. your files your earning.
i just woke to this ridiculous news. WTF that kind of proposal, 10 months to get paid? you guys are worse than Ryushare, they only proposed 3 months and yet they paid the active uploaders. it's either you pay and we continue or just kill the site. and what about the ongoing earnings? i/we can't request another amount unless the previous ones are already paid. F*CK! i hope admin/moderators of Wjunction will give this representative an ultimatum, please help the affiliates to get their earnings as soon as possible.
No uploading more files, until they pay the total outstanding debt
Remove advertising banners FileOm :facepalm:
Choose new file host, I understand that FileOm died
I am also very angry ...... Because I feel cheated and scammed by Fileom
For a radical desicion, delete all your links FileOm!
Goodbye FileOm scam :thumbdown:
you will not be paid for sure.

remember that filegrasper did the same scam with

new admin will not pay due money. has no enough funds to cover fileom server expenses + affiliate payments that's why the 10 months term of payment.

the real scammer here is filegrasper. he did it with imgmoney and now with fileom.

good luck :smokin:
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