Active Member
ty for payment
My payment still pending, since 2013-10-10
ID: Brunog
Current speed limit of unregistered/registered DL?
Free - 100kbps
Registered - 200kbps
and i see in the website :
Free - 50kbps
Registered - 100kbps
Which one is the correct ?
@ filegrasper
IB payment not received yet...
i requested 15 days back
hope u not forget me....
need ur reply....i'm waiting for payment
also i'm disappointed with you...everytime u say IB payout procesed early...but u process IB only at last
why u not process IB first...only few people using IB ??
i've been using u since ur beggining....
now a days my earnings low...
people prefer other host rather than you these days...
@ filegrasper
then why u commented in above post
every payments are paid ??
pls comment only if u paid all the affiliates to avoid confusion
when i first saw the comment...i was shocked...bcoz my payment still pending
@ filegrasper
then why u commented in above post
every payments are paid ??
pls comment only if u paid all the affiliates to avoid confusion
when i first saw the comment...i was shocked...bcoz my payment still pending
@ filegrasper
again u r confusing me ?
Those who are within this pay period are got paid...what do u mean by that ?
i requested on 8th i'm also in first phase rather in this pay period
need ur reply
@ filegrasper
its simply u take 1 month for processing payment
only one payment/month
these days every host paying weekly in time
already nobody prefer to download from fileom when compared to other host
i donoo what to say...i think fileom going in wrong direction
lets wait and see...
why not separate the way u pay affialiates? pay weekly to those who are in ppd and 14 days or a month to those who are ricky like pps affiliates
why not separate the way u pay affialiates? pay weekly to those who are in ppd and 14 days or a month to those who are ricky like pps affiliates
This will happen soon , give some days !!!