are you kidding me you have deleted files in 1114? but go to work instead of opening the filehosting bye bye fileom are crooks
I apologize withdraw what I said, it was my problem, sorry filegrasper
are you kidding me you have deleted files in 1114? but go to work instead of opening the filehosting bye bye fileom are crooks
please contact me2013-12-03 $XX.XX Pending. Not at all happy with FileOM. You need to keep your words before committing to something. I am done using Fileom. A good host became a Bad host !! 45 days !!
2013-12-03 $XX.XX Pending. Not at all happy with FileOM. You need to keep your words before committing to something. I am done using Fileom. A good host became a Bad host !! 45 days !!
What is the maximum file size a user can download in Free/Anonymous mode?
2013-12-05 $XX.XX Pending. Not at all happy with FileOM. You need to keep your words before committing to something. I am done using Fileom. A good host became a Bad host !! 45 days !!
i am sure FileOM, you will become #1 filehost soon
because only thing lag in your site is weekly payout, now you added that (atleast partially), any promotion or contests for users..??