Feedback Thread

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Last DL column does not show what it suppose, it's only a copy of creation date column;
Please fix this please; Last download date is really useful when it's working properly:)
upload is very :'(


20 minuts for 700mb file.

edit : after uploading :
"504 Gateway Time-out"
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The requested file is currently unavailable. Please try again later...

download doesn't start...most of the time

even if it start

it takes a while to initiate a download..very very bad :facepalm:

i donno which files r affected again..

pls message me the affected files....

EDIT : everything working probs...

but some of yesterday's uploaded files r display The requested file is currently unavailable. Please try again later...
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I just doubled our storage capacity with 4 new servers. Yay.

I'm going to be re-doing the remote upload today as the current one is very performance unfriendly. I'll also be adding new features. You will be able to see in better detail the outcome of each link.

Dear Filelaser Take your site off and do anything you could do. Then come back with full working site. It would be better for you as well as us.
That's an extremely ill-conceived and unnecessary idea. The site currently pushes 40,000 successful downloads a day. The issues you see are small in comparison.

The upgrade I performed yesterday should fix most issues on the existing servers.

ftp very bad speed 200kb/s
I've configured the new servers to give FTP a dedicated hard drive. There should no longer be any competition for IO access. When you see bad speeds in future it will only be due to the server connection maxing out. Most of the time you should be fine.

when payment? :(
I've discussed this topic in great detail a few pages back.
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Are you sure you're using the correct FTP details?

As for remote upload, I need more than "it doesn't work". Send me exact details of the links you're trying.
220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
Name ( 70
331 User 70 OK. Password required
530 Login authentication failed
Login failed.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.

I'm copying the details so no man can do a mistake (plus I've already put some files thru ftp today...)

RU (couple of rar files from my VPS)

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