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Thanks guys.

We have already hired two employees for checking accounts & they will start working from this week. So, there will be no delay in payments from now.

Also, please try to request on Saturday or Sunday morning GMT. Many people request on Sunday late night or Monday & spam our inbox for requests. Please don't do that.
@Filekeen: How about implementing system which a lot of hosts use - If someone have minimum (15$). He will be automatically paid in the next payout day (Sunday) so that means he dont have to request, you will pay him when you see that he have a minimum in his account.
thanks for the payment Filekeen =)

but I have a serious question, 99.9% of my files are over 101mb, if you pay $ 5 for 1000 downloads between 101 and 250mb, how do you explain this in my statistics?


It is impossible to have as many downloads of this 0.01% of files 8-)

Anyway would be between 5-100mb downloads

all downloads were of this 0.01% of files? :'( extremely impossible, would be good to review the statistical system...

I contacted time ago, but never finished answering the pm, and the statistics are the same or worse than before :facepalm:

If you can revise, is a bug in my account or we are all equal? I'm happy anyway

thanks for the reply, health and long life Filekeen B-)
I get this problem after i finished to upload with the remote upload:
Fatal Error: Can't opendir temporary folder (/var/www/cgi-bin/s35/temp)(No such file or directory)
You are all welcome guys

abdofox & ripooo: Alertpay has put another verification on our account. As soon as it will resolve, we will make payment. They told they will review it in 24 hours.

BlackMask: yes, it's 128kbps for free users at this time.

omri08:Thanks for informing, we are reviewing.
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